Band Of Brothers Outdoors 2018 Ice Fishing Get Together

**Registration is closed see you next year!**
We will be hosting our event on the north side of Lake Osakis this year. Our guides have been putting in some hours and punching a lot of holes on the lake. They have located a spot that they feel is going to be best for everyone get on some fish and take a few home. This location can be accessed by a few different points on the lake.
*First access point will be located by Holiday Resort. If you are using a GPS the address will be 13329 Falcon Drive Osakis MN. From there we will be set up about 1600ft south west of the access.
*Second access point will be off of Battle Point. GPS Address will be 20918 Fanfare Drive and there will be a road called Faraway Lane that will take you to the public access. From this access we will be North East about 3000ft.
*If you do not feel comfortable driving out on the lake the most parking will be available at battle point. If you would like a ride out onto the lake please let us know before hand so we can schedule it in. Or call us at 701-306-8052.
We will be fishing in deep water this year about 60ft so bring your electronics if you have them. We will also have staff available to help you if you have never fished in water this deep before.
Currently ice thickness is about 20+ inches and very minimal snow cover. It looks like we will have a warm up during this week so most snow could be melted by the day of the event. This could create some very slippery walking conditions so if you have ice cleats please bring them.
Please dress for the weather conditions it looks like Saturday might get up to the 30's with the possibility of some winds 10-15mph. We will have some shelters available but cant guarantee we will have enough for everyone.
Concessions will be available this year same as they were last year. We plan to have brats, cookies, chips, pop, water and coffee.
We will be accepting cash and we should also have a card reader available on the ice this year as well.
All plans are subject to change and will be updated daily if a change does occur.
Event will run from 9am to 3pm
**Notice, Band of Brothers Outdoors is not responsible for accidents or damage to personal property**

Band of Brothers Outdoors is excited to announce our 2018 Ice Fishing Get Together. This year we have decided to hold our annual ice fishing event near Alexandria MN. Date will be Saturday January 27th 2018. We have chosen lake Osakis as our lake of choice due to the wide variety of fish in the lake. Lake Osakis also has a good number of access points with ample parking. More information such as times and sponsors will be announced at a later date.
We are also excited to be working with a guide to help us host this event. Jesse Thalmann from Thalmann's Guide Service will be scouting the lake to help us get on some good fish the day of the event. Jesse Thalmann resides in the heart of big bluegill country in West Central Minnesota. He is an all season “pan-fish whisperer” and owns Thalmann's Guide Service which specializes in targeting Giant Bluegills and Slab Crappies. He also likes to educate anglers on the importance of catch and release to preserve the superior genetics that perpetuate these amazing trophy pan-fish opportunities in our lakes. He has fished his whole life and started his own Guide Service business within the last year.
If you are interested in attending this event please pre-register on our events page. By registering it will help Band of Brothers Outdoors get an estimated attendance to ensure a quality event for everyone. If you are a veteran and you pre-register you will get two entries into any large ticket items we may have to give away at this event.
If you are interested in sponsoring this event you can contact us at If you have any other questions about sponsoring this event you can contact Jarad Thiele.