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Band of Brothers Outdoors has teamed up with ND Country Fest this year.  ND Country Fest is located in New Salem, ND and takes place July 6, 7, 8 & 9th.  

We currently have six (6) General Admission Festival Music Bowl Weekend Admission available for us to fundraise with.  Retail is currently $140/ ticket and prices go up again next week!  

We are going to do a silent auction for each pair (2) of tickets.  Starting bid will be $200/pair.  Highest bidder will get their choice of how many pairs (2) of tickets they want and we will then move down the list. Auction will be open until June 17th and winners will be contacted on the 18th.  Once contacted you will have 48hrs to complete payment via PayPal or Venmo.  Tickets will be mailed out to the winners the following week.  Winners will be responsible to contact ND Country Fest to purchase their camping passes, vehicle passes and other necessary fees to camp at ND Country Fest if they choose to do so.  Band of Brothers Outdoors is only providing the GA Festival Music Bowl Weekend Admission.  

Band of Brothers Outdoors reserves the right to cancel this auction at any time.  Winners who fail to pay with in 48hrs will lose their chance to claim their winnings. 

Rush Lake MN Fishing
Rush Lake MN Fishing
Oct 04, 2024, 5:30 PM
Otter Tail County
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