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Winter Camping Instructional 2023

“Winter Camping? What? Why?”

WHY NOT! NO BUGS, No Crowds.


Come Join Band of Brothers Outdoors Pro Staffer Michael Hedtke and our team of lifelong winter camping enthusiasts. This event will take place early afternoon on January 12th until early afternoon January 15th. We will be camping for a weekend in canvas tents heated by wood burning stoves and the opportunity to experience the most fun you’ve had when the mercury drops!


We will be hosting this true instructional to winter camping at beautiful Bear Head Lake State Park, in Ely MN. We chose this location for NEW and experienced winter campers due to its access to numerous amenities in town and at the park.


Experienced guides will provide a total emersion and introduction into winter camping with breakout classes such as:

  • Sled and Pack Preparation

  • Tent Set up and Teardown

  • Safe and proper firewood processing

  • Wood stove set up and use

  • Winter cooking and food prep. 

  • Demonstrations on winter trekking with traditional methods and equipment.



Breakfast and dinner will be provided each day and cooked over wood stoves in true winter camping fashion.

We have a special meal planned for the last evening you don't want to miss out on!


While at Bear Head Lake State Park, you’ll have access to ice fishing, snowshoeing and snowmobile trails. If you’d like, bring your own gear to engage in those activities. Campsites will be accessible by automobile.


Multiple tents with wood stoves will be set up for a good night’s sleep as well as a LARGE group tent set up for daily camaraderie.

So PLEASE JOIN US for a NO stress weekend of camping in the beautiful north woods of Minnesota.

For more information regarding this event please reach out to Mike Hedtke.

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